September 14, 2016

More randomness

Ever feel like someone could literally be in your head and know what your feeling. I have a friend at work today, that not once, but twice has suggested I keep working out to keep myself out of my own head. Like seriously who could know how inside my own head I am. I really don't mean to, but when you are alone most of the time what else is there to do. What about the fact that I always feel like an outsider, like I don't belong. I have felt like that as long as I can remember. I just don't know how to not over think things. Like for instance I know I over analyze every situation, every word said to me. When alone with my thoughts I literally replay all conversations that I had for the day. Sometimes I wonder if I'm looking for some secret meaning in the conversations. I feel like everyone is always leaving me. The only constant that I have is my husband. He knows all my craziness, and still loves me unconditionally. He has never tried to change me. He accepts me for who I am. I really don't know if I have ever had that in my life before. He loves me, just the way I am, with all my flaws. Makes me love him more for just that. So if you ever find someone who loves you just the way you are hang on tight.

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